Tender For providing of custom bid for services - road transportation of component like bogie wheel sets etc by trailer truck from to gaya coaching depot to from llhm hrt ddu rcf kxh mcf rbl other workshop depot pus total qty in mt km of schedule 1 mentioned in annexure d..,custom bid for services - loading unloading of component like bogie wheel sets etc at gaya depot total qty in mt of schedule 2 mentioned in annexure d of tender document
Tender For comprehensive annual maintenance contract of qty forty two machineries of aerf - electric hoist for stacking pt no 4gc 0001 na , hand stacker pt no josts h s15 , compressor pt no elgi , sling for hoisting ai 20m engine with box pt no a9909 500 , sling for hoisting ai 20m engine pt no a9909 50 , high temperature drier pt no oven 001 95 , bogie hinge joint flushing device pt no 95 9954 0 , elevating line sling for tv3 117vk engine pt no 500 9985 0000 000 , johnson bar pt no 44 niv , hoist sling for rd 33mk lifting lid pt no 5 41 9915 3850 00 , engine cradles accessory gear box pt no 5 12 9900 3660 00 , hoist sling for rd 33mk lifting in container pt no 5 41 9915 4850 00 , trolley pt no a1320m 0000 , hydraulic stand for testing the jet nozzle pt no a0324 0000 , stop watch pt no soppr 2a 3 , wrench for screen nut tightening pt no 561031700 , device for lifting of hpt rotor wheel pt no 561032500 , device for engine suspension pt no 561033200 , engine bench pt no 561034300 , turbine compressor lifting ring pt no 561036400 , wrench with retrainer for lpt nut with torque upto 45kgf m pt no 561046200 , wrench for 1 support nut tightening pt no 562855700 , mounting guiding support pt no 564632900 , device for lpt dismantling without fan pt no 564953070 , suspension device for smooth dropping and lifting pt no 621111600 , suspension device for fan pt no 942830100 , suspension device for lifting of afterburner and unit 08 pt no 942830200 , suspension device pt no 978835000 , rig for engine assembly tilting device pt no 988812000 , suspension device pt no 988843000 , support for unit 08 pt no 988891400 , suspension device for engine accessory box unit pt no 988899000 , suspension pt no 656003800 , suspension pt no 988893500
Tender For supply of bogie wheel assembly for paradip spm - item supply, complete wheel assembly, p/n : dmm33001 for spm i and dmm87001a1 and dmm87002a1 for spm ii & iiispm i (so-17220); spm-ii & iii (so- 18010- i and ii) (as per technical specifications)
Tender For design, supply, installation, and commissioning of the drop pit table with concomitant acces sories and associated civil work as per specification no. cofmow/ir/dpt/2020, rev-0 (on turnkey basis) , l eading parameter given in schedule i & structural drawing for removal/fitment of either one single wheel se t with traction motor at a time from/to a locomotive bogie or a transformer at a time from/to a locomotive . ( item to be supplied installed & commissioned at els/tkd) . firm to quote here for evaluation purpose as per evaluation criteria given in para 5.0 of important feature of tender given in section iv (i) the cost of th e basic machine (ii) cost of the concomitant accessories and concomitant works according to tender specifi cations.(iii) cost of any other accessory which in the opinion of supplier is essentially required for making th e machine fully functional.(vi) applicable duties and taxes, insurance, freight, installation & commissioning charges etc. [ warranty period: 84 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of electric hoist for stacking pt no 4gc 0001 na , hand stacker pt no josts h s15 , compressor pt no elgi , sling for hoisting ai 20m engine with box pt no a9909 500 , sling for hoisting ai 20m engine pt no a9909 50 , high temperature drier pt no oven 001 95 , bogie hinge joint flushing device pt no 95 9954 0 , elevating line sling for tv3 117vk engine pt no 500 9985 0000 000 , johnson bar pt no 44 niv , hoist sling for rd 33mk lifting lid pt no 5 41 9915 3850 00 , engine cradles accessory gear box pt no 5 12 9900 3660 00 , hoist sling for rd 33mk lifting in container pt no 5 41 9915 4850 00 , trolley pt no a1320m 0000 , hydraulic stand for testing the jet nozzle pt no a0324 0000 , stop watch pt no soppr 2a 3 , wrench for screen nut tightening pt no 561031700 , device for lifting of hpt rotor wheel pt no 561032500 , device for engine suspension pt no 561033200 , engine bench pt no 561034300 , turbine compressor lifting ring pt no 561036400 , wrench with retrainer for lpt nut with torque upto 45kgf m pt no 561046200 , wrench for 1 support nut tightening pt no 562855700 , mounting guiding support pt no 564632900 , device for lpt dismantling without fan pt no 564953070 , suspension device for smooth dropping and lifting pt no 621111600 , suspension device for fan pt no 942830100 , suspension device for lifting of afterburner and unit 08 pt no 942830200 , suspension device pt no 978835000 , rig for engine assembly tilting device pt no 988812000 , suspension device pt no 988843000 , support for unit 08 pt no 988891400 , suspension device for engine accessory box unit pt no 988899000 , suspension pt no 656003800 , suspension pt no 988893500
Tender For supply of earthing cable complete for wheel set earthing equipment to bogie for lhb typ e coaches to rcf drawing no. lw71245, alt. a [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delive ry ]